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  • Writer's pictureCharles Wolfe

A Change of Pace

I want to have a little more fun with all of this. Most of my college and scholarship applications are over with, I'm close to done with my required out-of-school coursework, and I just have more time on my hands. Ideas for a final product are a bit sparse at the moment, but I know that I want to do something a little bigger than a pentest report. I've pondered how I can make an impact with it, and seeing how my own school district has suffered some breaches of cybersecurity, I figure I could attempt a final product that would benefit FISD. The nature of such a product is still up in the air, but it would most likely be in the form of an informal penetration test. Of course, the feasibility of this idea is entirely dependent on how willing the district is to let one of their high school seniors do something like this, but I am optimistic. If that idea doesn't work out, I'll probably try something with engineering. My supervisor tells me that a previous ISM student studying cybersecurity attached a Raspberry Pi to a drone and hacked into bluetooth devices within their home from the outside. That sounds cool. I want to do something cool like that, so I'll research and ponder similar ideas.

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